Friday, December 18, 2009

Overcoming Obstacles

No life is without it’s fair share of problems. We all know the saying ‘it’s not the problems that determine your state, it’s your attitude towards them’, but this often seems easier said than done.

Remain Happy and Calm

If we can stay cheerful when we are confronted with a problem, that automatically reduces the size of the problem. We have to cultivate the attitude of a warrior, stand firm and not let our negative thoughts rule us. I can give my example of being transferred into a wheelchair for the first time and how I felt. Naturally it was a very frustrating and difficult time for me. It took a lot of comforting from the doctor to make me feel comfortable and realize the advantages of a wheelchair. In the beginning the wheelchair felt like a prison for me preventing me from what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go.

It is extremely important to remain positive when you are faced with an obstacle in life. The 3 qualities which have enabled me to remain positive have been never to give up in life, have faith in God and always believe in your abilities. These qualities have enabled me always to be determined and struggle in life for anything you want to achieve in life.

Importance of Motivation and Inspiration

Getting motivated or getting inspired are two similar things in my opinion. You get motivation through setting of goals like for example my setting a certain number of laps makes me motivated to swim. By watching videos of motivational speakers or sporting personalities in action also gets you motivated to do greater things in life. Similarly inspiration is an important factor in maintaining one’s resolve. One should try to surround oneself with as many inspiring things as possible in the form of music, books, videos etc. I have been a sports fan from the beginning and two of my biggest inspirations have been from sports namely Roger Federer in tennis and Tiger Woods in golf. Their ability to return from the impossible and win matches is such an inspiration and their never say die attitude is immensely critical for achieving anything in life. It is their determination to stay focused on the job at hand which makes them no.1 in my book. To have role models in life who can motivate or inspire you is truly a blessing and I consider myself fortunate in having that to overcome any hurdle in life.

Believing in your Self-Abilities

Overcoming any obstacle in life requires a lot of self belief in one’s self as mentioned by me briefly. My becoming a motivational speaker was a result of having belief in my abilities. The ability of sharing my story with other children was immensely satisfying and the feedback I have been getting from my talks is inspirational. Indeed for most of us, public speaking is the biggest fear and obstacle in life. I would say that it was due to my physical condition which encouraged me to give motivational talks. Having seen other physically challenged people do public speaking and share their story with other people was very inspirational for me.

I would like to mention my biggest inspiration in public speaking W. Mitchell who himself is in a wheelchair. A fiery motorcycle accident burnt 65% of his body and a plane crash a few years later took away his ability to walk. It is his philosophy in life which has led to my ability to overcome the obstacle of public speaking which is “It is not what happens to you it is what you do about it”.

I would also like to mention The Toastmasters Club which improves your public speaking and communication skills. It is also greatly instrumental in overcoming my fear of public speaking and improving them. As I am the only one on a wheelchair attending the meetings, the encouragement and the support I get from the other people is so rewarding and makes me feel so welcome at The Toastmasters.

Never let Disability come in your Way

We have seen that people with disabilities have been able to overcome obstacles and achieve international recognition in life. The one name that comes to my mind is Stephen Hawking the famous British professor of mathematics having recently retired from that post in 2009. He was paralyzed from head to toe and could only move his middle finger. The rest is history as we saw what he achieved. For those people who don’t know of Haw king’s achievements, he is known for contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity. He has also achieved success with works of popular science in which he discusses his own theory and cosmology in general. These include the runaway bestseller A Brief History of Time. In 2007 Hawking took a flight in zero gravity. He became the first quadriplegic to float in zero-gravity. It was for the first time in 40 years that he moved freely without his wheelchair. This is the best example one can give of positive thinking. My point is that people with disabilities have that extra will power and they use more of their inner strength in overcoming all obstacles.

Knowledge for the Future

Life is a continuous journey. You will keep growing and improving yourself along the way until the time comes when nothing seems to be difficult anymore. When this day comes, you should start looking for new challenges that will boost your confidence and allow you to live a more rewarding life. Obstacles are not the end of the world and they actually are character building. Overcoming obstacles gives us knowledge for the future and helps us grow psychologically. Everyone wants to be better in some part of their lives and you must overcome that obstacle standing in your way. As I said it is very important to have a positive mindset when faced with an obstacle. Each individual will have his own way of dealing with life’s hurdles but there is no doubt that positive thinking and determination will play a major role in your continuing quest to fulfill your life.

“Nobody will believe in you unless you believe in yourself.” Liberace

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