Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My time spent at IBM

Getting started at IBM

I would also like to talk about the time spent in IBM over 15 years which was definitely memorable and very enjoyable time. I had started by doing computer courses and went on to work for them. After completing my A-levels I had joined IBM as I was interested in computers. IBM being one of the most successful computer companies in modern times. As the then Managing Director of IBM was a good friend of my father, he offered me a job and I joined the finance department in IBM. I had been diagnosed of Friedrich’s Ataxia before joining IBM and I used to use a walker for walking. I remember taking rounds of the building using my walker and it felt great.

My transfer into a wheelchair happened while I was in IBM, due to my legs getting weak and making it impossible for me to walk. Let me say that the entire staff and employees of IBM were extremely caring and gave me all their support and courage. They made sure that my seat had a lot of space to maneuver and all my work was done on the computer. I did not need to do any running around for my work which made it very comfortable for me.

I made a lot of great friends a IBM. At one point and time we were five to six friends all working together in the finance department. It was one of the most enjoyable and memorable time I ever had. We used to joke, laugh, tease one another and also used to do our work at the same time. We were extremely lucky to have some extremely understanding managers who would also used to joke with us and engage in some interesting conversation with us today. The atmosphere used to be so entertaining and exciting.


A.F. Ferguson which was an audit company and was headed by my father at that time used to do the audit of IBM. Their team compromised of some young boys who were extremely friendly with me. I remember when their team came over for the audit of IBM, we had a ball of a time, used to go for lunch and joke all the time. There were a couple of female auditors with whom I became friends and have kept in touch with them to this day. One of them is among my best friends and her name is Aana. She is married now and lives in England. I always try to meet her when I go to England.

The Best Boss I have ever Had

My story on IBM would not be complete without mentioning my boss Mohammad Zubair. He I would say has been the most caring, understanding and friendly boss I have ever had. In the beginning of my joining IBM, I had a female boss by the name of Ferial. She also was very caring and an extremely friendly person. She also gave me an award for my work at IBM. Ferial was my boss for a couple of years in the mid-nineties before she went abroad. By that time Zubair had come from Europe to become the Chief Financial Officer of Pakistan. He was extremely fond of sports and that made our relationship so much friendly and never did I think of Zubair as my boss. It was such an informal relationship and I remember after having lunch, we always used to discuss various sports in general including cricket, football etc. The rest of the finance department would also be encouraged by our conversation to take part.

Shifting to a new Venue

The atmosphere would be so exciting and one did not feel as if you were in an office. IBM during the nineties was located in Avari Plaza which was situated right next to Avari Towers. We got the news that IBM will be shifting to a new building located on Shara-e-Faisal. I remember going there to lay the foundation of the building. We were all definitely going to miss Avari Towers and we used to go for lunch a lot to Bake’n’Take which was a very popular eating place at Avari Towers in those days. As we used to often sit late during the month of fasting, which meant we would often open our fast at Bake’n’Take. We would definitely remember these things as well as being excited about going to a new venue.

New building more convenient for Me

The new building consisted of 12 floors and the finance department would be on the 12th floor. The building was owned by IBM and a lot of money had been spent on it. It indeed was very impressive and spacious compared to the cramped space we had in Avari Plaza. Over there we just had one floor compared to twelve floors we had here. All the electricity here was run on generators and there would be no question of not having electricity here. It indeed was a far cry from the experience we had in Avari Plaza. I remember during the summers when it used to be boiling hot, there used to be no electricity at the office for the entire day. Me and my friend Zahir used to come dressed in tee shirts to avoid the heat. No electricity in the building also meant no lifts and during that time when I used to walk using a walker, it meant my coming by the stairs for 3 floors. It indeed was a relief to get rid of that problem.

Very wheelchair friendly Washrooms

For me the only apprehension in the new building was the washroom. I remember at Avari Plaza there being a single washroom which was at quite a distance from our department. So indeed it was quite a struggle for me to get to the washroom and there were not wheelchair friendly. What Zubair, my manager went on to do is what makes him so special and caring. While the building was being made he had my wheelchair taken to the new premises for measurements, so that the washroom being made could accommodate my wheelchair. When the building was ready and I went to check the washroom, I discovered that every floor had got washrooms. When I went to the 12th floor I found out that a separate washroom had been made for me and totally wheelchair friendly. There were rods fitted on each side to help me hold onto something while getting out of the wheelchair.

One caring Family

Zubair also made sure that my seat was spacious and was located near the exit. My seat would be close to his room which would enable him to keep an eye on me. There would be number of people who would help me in the washroom. It showed that our department was very friendly and we used to help each other like one big family. For this the credit goes to our boss Zubair being such a bold, helpful and caring person. He used to care for everyone in the department and was liked by everyone. For me he is very special and what he did very few people can ever do that.

Memorable time at IBM

In conclusion I would like to say that the time spent in IBM of over 15 years was truly memorable and unforgettable for me. Spending 15 years at one place reminds you of so many events and incidents that took place. There were innumerable occasions of having fun and enjoying with various people in various departments. There used to be a lady by the name of Naseem Muraj who was my boss Zubair’s secretary. She was a very loving person and used to console everyone in the department when there was something wrong with them. Some of my best and true friends were made in IBM namely Zahir, Asim, Najib, Sophia and Aana.

Nostalgic Time

Every summer internees from different colleges and universities used to intern at IBM up to 6 weeks. I also got to know some of the internees well and were quite friendly. I definitely had the time of my life at IBM and to leave after15 years was not easy to do. I remember being given a farewell lunch by my department before leaving. I was asked to make a farewell speech by my department and it indeed was a nostalgic moment for me. People were very surprised to see me leave and asked me not to go. I do visit IBM sometimes recently and it is a great feeling I get when I go there. People have not forgotten me and they give me a warm welcome on seeing me. A few individuals have changed in the finance department since my being there. My friend Zahir has become the CFO ( Chief Financial Officer) after Zubair who retired. Next month IBM will again be shifting to a new building which will also be located at Shahra-e-Faisal.

Briefly I will talk about the new building which IBM has shifted into. I have been there a couple of times and it is very impressive. You can see that IBM is doing very well as a company from the amount of money that has been spent on the floor they occupy. They have 1 floor in the building which is huge and very spacious. The whole layout and the design is very eye catching. Whenever I go to IBM it brings back the olden memories when I was in IBM. Everyone in IBM comes to meet me and make me feel so welcome. IBM will always remain a part of my life.


Tahira Sultan said...

Hi Asad, thanks for sharing your time at IBM. I remember my internship at IBM for 2 months in 1994. I agree with you that it is great place to work.

Anonymous said...

Mr CLO, IBM was definitely one of the highlights of my life too even though I was there for such a short time. Meeting you, Zahir, Dude, Sam, Shahid and everyone else and spending such a great time with you guys saved me from going crazy!!
