Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Importance of Having Role Models in your Life

By having role models we can see how others live their lives and learn from their mistakes and successes. Rather than groping in the dark we have a roadmap put in front of us. Here are some reasons as to why role models are important:

How to find a good role model:

Look around at people you admire. Whether a parent, a sport star, activist, public speaker or anyone else you feel is successful, learn all you can about this person. You may be able to talk to them directly or read their biography. How did they get to where they are now? What mistakes did they make along the way? How can you use their advice or actions in your own life?

Gather sources from many places:

Another method is to think of the top three or five people you admire and gather information on them all then combine what you found, creating your own framework for success. Another person you admire maybe very confident and outgoing. By themselves, they may not offer everything you’d want to be as a person, but you can choose their most admirable traits and incorporate them into your own life.

Role Models are real people:

The more you know about a role model, the more you’ll find that they’re real
people just like yourself. They have bad habits and they make mistakes. In other
words they’re human! Many people tend to idolize movie stars and sports stars,
trying to emulate them and then feeling badly about themselves when they don’t
live up to their own preconceived notions of what greatness is.

There are times in our lives when we’re are trying to find ourselves and looking
toward a positive and influential role model is helpful. By emulating the person you
look up to, you’ll bring their positive behaviors into your own life and adopt them
for yourself.

My role model

Being a motivational speaker, it is imperative for me to look for individuals who
inspire me regularly. I have been fortunate enough to have found public speakers, sports stars and movie stars who give me a lot of motivation. The one individual who stands out head and shoulders above everyone is the tennis living legend Roger Federer.

Qualities which make Roger Federer my greatest role model

Roger Federer is my greatest role model without a shadow of doubt. He is the greatest tennis player to have played the game of tennis. The qualities which make Federer my greatest role mtodel are:
1. Watching him in action motivates me to do greater things in life.
2. His ability to come back from impossible situations and win is phenomenal.
3. It is his never say die attitude which makes him no.1 in my book.
4. Watching Federer win tennis tournaments gives me the inspiration to do well in life.
5. Try to emulate Federer by wearing the Nike clothes he wears.
6. Always inspires me to be fit.

In conclusion I would like to emphasize the importance of having a role model in life:
a. Getting the inspiration or motivation to do greater things in life.
b. Having someone to look up to and admire their superior qualities.
c. Watching them perform gives you immense pleasure and happiness.
d. Their greater qualities enable you to live your life in a positive light.

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