Friday, February 12, 2010

How I get my Motivation

One question which I am frequently asked after giving my talk is where do I get my motivation from? It is quite an intriguing and thought provoking question and it does get me into deep thought. Being a motivational speaker I guess it should not be too difficult for me to answer it. Let me analyze motivation.

Motivation means to move people. If you ask any successful person what motivates him and the answer will be “goals”. Goal setting is vital for motivation and success. It would apply to me as well as to what are my goals in giving motivational talks? The basics of my talks have been to change the mindsets of people in making Pakistan a wheel chair friendly place. I would consider that as my main goal and the main ingredient in my motivation. W. Mitchell said “If you leave our audience the same way they were before you came to speak then why did you turn up”.
I will come back to that point. Interest is an important motivator for a student. So is a desire to learn. When you link these two things together, you create success. Often success in an endeavor leads to more interest and a greater desire to learn, creating an upward spiral of motivation toward a goal you have established. Goals can vary in different situations for example during swimming I set a goal of doing 50 laps which keeps me motivated to achieve that goal. It is my interest in swimming which motivates me to excel in it.

So as you can see having an interest is important for being motivated. You can see sporting idols like Roger Federer and Tiger Woods are the world beaters in their sports because of their motivation of winning and being the best in their sport.

When you are affected by some disability it does tend you to have that extra will power and achieve much more in life. The ability to struggle in life is of extreme importance as also stated in the Quran which leads to motivation. I do walking using parallel bars at home and it is my being interested which enables me to walk. The ability to struggle after having completed walking gives me a sense of achievement and accomplishment.

It is 4 things which lead to my giving motivational talks 1) my faith in God 2) never to give up in life 3) always look at the bright side of life 4) always believe in my abilities. These are the 4 things which have always helped me in achieving my goals. There is a saying which says” An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty, A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity”.

So I have always tried to follow that no matter how difficult the situation is. Helping underprivileged children and people towards achieving their goal is where I get my motivation from. I would like to conclude on a motivational quotation by the following:

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new” - Einstein

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