Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Lecture at Indus Valley School

Topic of my Lecture

On the 29th of September 2010 I had my lecture at Indus Valley School. It was organized by the Students Council. I was asked to speak about my disability and how I have overcome all the difficulties. My topic was titled “Overcoming Obstacles”. I highlighted my life and how my life has been in a wheelchair. It included my overcoming all kinds of Obstacles despite being physically challenged. In conclusion I touched on the topic of accessibility and how we need to make Pakistan more wheel chair friendly.

Excellent Arrangements

The arrangements made at Indus Valley for my lecture were excellent. There was a stage made at the ground floor and they had arranged ramps where ever there was a steep step. I recall having gone to Indus Valley School before to meet someone and it was not wheel chair friendly at all. My chair had to be lifted to the first floor. This was the reason for my being apprehensive before my lecture at Indus Valley. Indeed it was such a pleasant surprise for me on seeing all the wheel chair friendly arrangements.

Thoughtful Students

It indeed was a large audience of around 150 to 200 students. The best part was that all of them were listening very attentively during the course of my lecture. I was using a collar mike for speaking as to make sure I was understood by everyone listening. The questions which were asked were appealing and showed the interest by the students in my lecture. The students showed a lot of awareness on the subject of accessibility and were willing to do something to improve the standard of accessibility in the country.

Getting Recognition for my Lecture

I was awarded with a gift as a token of appreciation by the student’s council. I took a couple of photographs with the student’s council. After my lecture had finished students came up to me and thanked me for my lecture, as well as showing their interest on the topic of accessibility.

I would say that the arrangements made for my lecture were one of the best combined with a very knowledgeable audience. I always enjoy giving lectures at places where the students show their attention. It was a great experience at Indus Valley School for me.

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