Monday, August 2, 2010

My experience at the Toastmasters Club

About Toastmasters International

Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of meeting locations.

Headquartered in California, the organization has more than 260,000 members in over 12,500 clubs in 113 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people of all backgrounds become more confident in front of an audience.

How Toastmasters has helped me

I have been a member of the Karachi Toastmasters Club for almost 3 years now. Joining the toastmasters club was the best thing that could have happened to me, as being a motivational speaker the toastmasters has helped me improve my speaking skills by leaps and bounds. It has given me the confidence to speak in public anywhere. It makes me happy to know that I am the only one on a wheelchair in the club and get a lot of appreciation from other people. I am really made feel welcome there which gives me the inspiration to go there every week.

Toastmasters divided into 3 phases

The toastmasters meeting last about a couple of hours. They are divided into three phases. The first phase is known as the table topics, where a member asks various questions from other members and guests. You have to speak on any given topic for two and a half minutes. Normally there is a theme for the table topics and all the questions are related to the theme. The second phase consists of prepared speeches where four to five speakers prepare a speech and talk. The last phase in my opinion is the most critical one which is known as evaluation. Everyone who speaks is evaluated and you get to know what you are doing right and wrong. The evaluator evaluates your body language and the eye contact. He also tells you the areas in which you need to improve.

Different roles played by members

Along with the table topic master which refers to the member who is asking questions, there is a grammarian, an ah-counter, a timer and a member who gives the word of the day. The grammarian highlights the grammatical mistakes made in a speech, while an ah-counter counts the number of various a-h's used in a speech. While the timer times the various speeches as well as the evaluators and the word of the day is to be used in the speeches as much as possible. All these roles are fulfilled by various members and they all play an important part in the meeting.

Visiting a Toastmasters Club in London

I was in London recently and was fortunate enough to visit a Toastmasters Club. It was known as the Grosvenor Square Speakers Toastmasters Club in London. It is the oldest toastmasters club in London. I attended a couple of their meetings and was given a very warm welcome by their President as well as their members. I was present at the transfer of power meeting where
the current President’s term comes to an end and gives the charge to the newly elected
President. It marks the beginning of a new year for the newly elected President. A President’s term in the toastmasters club is for one year.

Giving a speech at London Toastmasters Club

It was a great experience for me to attend a meeting in London and have learnt a lot from the meeting. It was the first time I had attended a toastmaster meeting outside Karachi. I was persuaded to give a speech by the President of the Club. I spoke for three minutes on my experience at the Toastmasters Club. The speech went well and the feedback I received was very encouraging. The applause received at the end of my speech made it truly a memorable moment and I will remember it for the rest of my life. This was also the first time I had given a speech in London. The President asked me to visit the club the next time I am in London.

Why one should join The Toastmasters Club

The Toastmasters Club is very beneficial for anyone wanting to become a public speaker. It also helps you improve The Toastmasters Club is very beneficial for anyone wanting to become a public speaker. There is also the opportunity to meet new people and share new ideas with with them. It indeed is a great platform for learning various things about speaking, communicating and listening. Also the fact that since the club is present almost all over the world, enabling anyone to join the Toastmasters Club.

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