Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Prepared Speech at Toastmasters

Prepared Speech

16th March 2c011 proved to be quite a memorable day for me. It had been a normal uneventful day for me till evening and was shaping up to end the same way. As it was a Wednesday there was a Toastmaster meeting in the evening. I was going to give a prepared speech in the meeting. I was looking forward to giving it as it was on my personal experience at the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships. My confidence for giving a good speech was quite high.

Personal Experience

The reason being my personal experience of going and watching the tennis tournament in Dubai. The Toastmaster’s has taught me to always talk about something which you have personally experienced in life. As a result you can talk much more on the topic and can give your example regarding something unusual. I was nervous as well as excited about giving the speech. The prepared speeches began and there were 5 speakers before me. I was the last speaker and I told the President of the club that I can postpone my speech for next week, as it was getting late. Everyone was of the opinion that I should deliver my speech as I was prepared for it.

Use of Visual Aids

At the Dubai tennis championships, I had a few photographs of the championships which I intended to use as visual aids. Since being in a wheelchair restricted me in one place to show the visual aids, one of my dear friends at the Toastmasters Sameer kindly helped me in showing the visual aids to everyone. My speech went quite well and I was well prepared. The examples I gave were to the point and interesting. The speech was well received and got a good round of applause from the Toastmasters. The five prepared speeches before mine were also good and well researched.

Appreciation for my speech

The award for the best prepared speaker went to me and it really made my day. I was congratulated by all the Toastmasters and they like always really encouraged me. As I have completed 8 out of the 10 basic speeches they want me to complete them soon. They have asked me to give a speech in the next meeting also. The reason why I love The Toastmasters is because the people there make me feel welcome there. They appreciate the fact that I am on a wheelchair and make the effort of coming to the meetings.

Memorable Day

The Toastmasters has taught me a lot as how to give speeches and what is required to make them interesting. It was really pleasing to give my speech on the Dubai Tennis Championships at Toastmasters and it was well appreciated. The award was icing on the cake for me and it made my day really memorable.

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