Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My talk at Froebel Education Centre

23rd of December 2009 was a big day for me, as I had 2 lectures scheduled one in the morning and one in the afternoon. My talks were part of the Move seminar which was organised by Family Educational Services Foundation. I will talk about my lecture in the morning to Froebel education centre.

Froebel School is located in Defence Phase 8 and there are a number of schools located in that area. This was my first visit to the school and it had 2 seperate buildings for the junior and the senior branch. My lecture was at the senior branch and I was very impressed by the cleanliness of the school.

There were a few steps to the entrance in which I found no discomfort. I was recieved by the teacher of the students whom I was going to talk to. There was a group of 20 students from class 9 and 10 whom I was going to give my talk to. My topic was the same one I spoke in the Move seminar on 'Overcoming Obstacles'.

Before beginning my lecture I saw that a number of students came up to shake my hand which was a nice and friendly gesture. During my talk I found the students to be very interested and attentive in what I was saying which enabled me to be more interactive.

Their interest in my lecture was evident by their asking me a number of challenging questions. One boy for instance asked me 3 questions in a row which was very inspiring for me. I always enjoying giving a lecture to such a group of motivated students. They also took a group photograph with me in the end.

The principal of the school also met me at the end of my session. I felt really special as the principal told me that your coming in a wheelchair to give a lecture is truly inspirational for the students. The teacher of the students who was present during my talk told me that the students were really touched by my lecture. It was a memorable experience for me.

My talk at Froebel Education Centre

23rd of December 2009 was a big day for me, as I had 2 lectures scheduled one in the morning and one in the afternoon. My talks were part of the Move seminar which was organised by Family Educational Services Foundation. I will talk about my lecture in the morning to Froebel education centre.

Froebel School is located in Defence Phase 8 and there are a number of schools located in that area. This was my first visit to the school and it had 2 seperate buildings for the junior and the senior branch. My lecture was at the senior branch and I was very impressed by the cleanliness of the school.

There were a few steps to the entrance in which I found no discomfort. I was recieved by the teacher of the students whom I was going to talk to. There was a group of 20 students from class 9 and 10 whom I was going to give my talk to. My topic was the same one I spoke in the Move seminar on 'Overcoming Obstacles'.

Before beginning my lecture I saw that a number of students came up to shake my hand which was a nice and friendly gesture. During my talk I found the students to be very interested and attentive in what I was saying which enabled me to be more interactive.

Their interest in my lecture was evident by their asking me a number of challenging questions. One boy for instance asked me 3 questions in a row which was very inspiring for me. I always enjoying giving a lecture to such a group of motivated students. They also took a group photograph with me in the end.

The principal of the school also met me at the end of my session. I felt really special as the principal told me that your coming in a wheelchair to give a lecture is truly inspirational for the students. The teacher of the students who was present during my talk told me that the students were really touched by my lecture. It was a memorable experience for me.

My talk at Froebel Education Centre

23rd of December 2009 was a big day for me, as I had 2 lectures scheduled one in the morning and one in the afternoon. My talks were part of the Move seminar which was organised by Family Educational Services Foundation. I will talk about my lecture in the morning to Froebel education centre.

Froebel School is located in Defence Phase 8 and there are a number of schools located in that area. This was my first visit to the school and it had 2 seperate buildings for the junior and the senior branch. My lecture was at the senior branch and I was very impressed by the cleanliness of the school.

There were a few steps to the entrance in which I found no discomfort. I was recieved by the teacher of the students whom I was going to talk to. There was a group of 20 students from class 9 and 10 whom I was going to give my talk to. My topic was the same one I spoke in the Move seminar on 'Overcoming Obstacles'.

Before beginning my lecture I saw that a number of students came up to shake my hand which was a nice and friendly gesture. During my talk I found the students to be very interested and attentive in what I was saying which enabled me to be more interactive.

Their interest in my lecture was evident by their asking me a number of challenging questions. One boy for instance asked me 3 questions in a row which was very inspiring for me. I always enjoying giving a lecture to such a group of motivated students. They also took a group photograph with me in the end.

The principal of the school also met me at the end of my session. I felt really special as the principal told me that your coming in a wheelchair to give a lecture is truly inspirational for the students. The teacher of the students who was present during my talk told me that the students were really touched by my lecture. It was a memorable experience for me.

Monday, December 21, 2009

My talk at Habib boys School

On the 17th of December 2009 I gave a motivational talk at Habib Public Boys School. This talk was organized by Family Education Services Foundation who have a school in Karachi known as Deaf Reach. This talk was a part of the Move Seminars they have every month and I feel very privileged to be a part of them.

Habib Public Boys School is one of the oldest schools of Karachi and this was the first tme I went there. I was very impressed by seeing how spaci0us and clean the school was. The school was totally wheelchair friendly and there were only a couple of steps in the way as to where I was giving my lecture.

I was speaking on the topic of "How I had Overcome Obstacles Faced in Life". There were around 30 boys listening to me. I found the boys listening with interest and very attentive. That made me more motivated and interactive with the students.

During the question and answer session there were a number of very interesting questions asked by the students which further cemented their interest in the talk. I always enjoy giving talks, where the audience are very much interested and ask interesting questions.

The boys were moved by my lecture and it felt like my goal had been achieved. All the boys came to shake my hand and took a photograph with me in the end. It truly was a inspiring and rewarding experience for me.

My talk at Habib boys School

On the 17th of December 2009 I gave a motivational talk at Habib Public Boys School. This talk was organized by Family Education Services Foundation who have a school in Karachi known as Deaf Reach. This talk was a part of the Move Seminars they have every month and I feel very privileged to be a part of them.

Habib Public Boys School is one of the oldest schools of Karachi and this was the first tme I went there. I was very impressed by seeing how spaci0us and clean the school was. The school was totally wheelchair friendly and there were only a couple of steps in the way as to where I was giving my lecture.

I was speaking on the topic of "How I had Overcome Obstacles Faced in Life". There were around 30 boys listening to me. I found the boys listening with interest and very attentive. That made me more motivated and interactive with the students.

During the question and answer session there were a number of very interesting questions asked by the students which further cemented their interest in the talk. I always enjoy giving talks, where the audience are very much interested and ask interesting questions.

The boys were moved by my lecture and it felt like my goal had been achieved. All the boys came to shake my hand and took a photograph with me in the end. It truly was a inspiring and rewarding experience for me.

My talk at Habib boys School

On the 17th of December 2009 I gave a motivational talk at Habib Public Boys School. This talk was organized by Family Education Services Foundation who have a school in Karachi known as Deaf Reach. This talk was a part of the Move Seminars they have every month and I feel very privileged to be a part of them.

Habib Public Boys School is one of the oldest schools of Karachi and this was the first tme I went there. I was very impressed by seeing how spaci0us and clean the school was. The school was totally wheelchair friendly and there were only a couple of steps in the way as to where I was giving my lecture.

I was speaking on the topic of "How I had Overcome Obstacles Faced in Life". There were around 30 boys listening to me. I found the boys listening with interest and very attentive. That made me more motivated and interactive with the students.

During the question and answer session there were a number of very interesting questions asked by the students which further cemented their interest in the talk. I always enjoy giving talks, where the audience are very much interested and ask interesting questions.

The boys were moved by my lecture and it felt like my goal had been achieved. All the boys came to shake my hand and took a photograph with me in the end. It truly was a inspiring and rewarding experience for me.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Overcoming Obstacles

No life is without it’s fair share of problems. We all know the saying ‘it’s not the problems that determine your state, it’s your attitude towards them’, but this often seems easier said than done.

Remain Happy and Calm

If we can stay cheerful when we are confronted with a problem, that automatically reduces the size of the problem. We have to cultivate the attitude of a warrior, stand firm and not let our negative thoughts rule us. I can give my example of being transferred into a wheelchair for the first time and how I felt. Naturally it was a very frustrating and difficult time for me. It took a lot of comforting from the doctor to make me feel comfortable and realize the advantages of a wheelchair. In the beginning the wheelchair felt like a prison for me preventing me from what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go.

It is extremely important to remain positive when you are faced with an obstacle in life. The 3 qualities which have enabled me to remain positive have been never to give up in life, have faith in God and always believe in your abilities. These qualities have enabled me always to be determined and struggle in life for anything you want to achieve in life.

Importance of Motivation and Inspiration

Getting motivated or getting inspired are two similar things in my opinion. You get motivation through setting of goals like for example my setting a certain number of laps makes me motivated to swim. By watching videos of motivational speakers or sporting personalities in action also gets you motivated to do greater things in life. Similarly inspiration is an important factor in maintaining one’s resolve. One should try to surround oneself with as many inspiring things as possible in the form of music, books, videos etc. I have been a sports fan from the beginning and two of my biggest inspirations have been from sports namely Roger Federer in tennis and Tiger Woods in golf. Their ability to return from the impossible and win matches is such an inspiration and their never say die attitude is immensely critical for achieving anything in life. It is their determination to stay focused on the job at hand which makes them no.1 in my book. To have role models in life who can motivate or inspire you is truly a blessing and I consider myself fortunate in having that to overcome any hurdle in life.

Believing in your Self-Abilities

Overcoming any obstacle in life requires a lot of self belief in one’s self as mentioned by me briefly. My becoming a motivational speaker was a result of having belief in my abilities. The ability of sharing my story with other children was immensely satisfying and the feedback I have been getting from my talks is inspirational. Indeed for most of us, public speaking is the biggest fear and obstacle in life. I would say that it was due to my physical condition which encouraged me to give motivational talks. Having seen other physically challenged people do public speaking and share their story with other people was very inspirational for me.

I would like to mention my biggest inspiration in public speaking W. Mitchell who himself is in a wheelchair. A fiery motorcycle accident burnt 65% of his body and a plane crash a few years later took away his ability to walk. It is his philosophy in life which has led to my ability to overcome the obstacle of public speaking which is “It is not what happens to you it is what you do about it”.

I would also like to mention The Toastmasters Club which improves your public speaking and communication skills. It is also greatly instrumental in overcoming my fear of public speaking and improving them. As I am the only one on a wheelchair attending the meetings, the encouragement and the support I get from the other people is so rewarding and makes me feel so welcome at The Toastmasters.

Never let Disability come in your Way

We have seen that people with disabilities have been able to overcome obstacles and achieve international recognition in life. The one name that comes to my mind is Stephen Hawking the famous British professor of mathematics having recently retired from that post in 2009. He was paralyzed from head to toe and could only move his middle finger. The rest is history as we saw what he achieved. For those people who don’t know of Haw king’s achievements, he is known for contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity. He has also achieved success with works of popular science in which he discusses his own theory and cosmology in general. These include the runaway bestseller A Brief History of Time. In 2007 Hawking took a flight in zero gravity. He became the first quadriplegic to float in zero-gravity. It was for the first time in 40 years that he moved freely without his wheelchair. This is the best example one can give of positive thinking. My point is that people with disabilities have that extra will power and they use more of their inner strength in overcoming all obstacles.

Knowledge for the Future

Life is a continuous journey. You will keep growing and improving yourself along the way until the time comes when nothing seems to be difficult anymore. When this day comes, you should start looking for new challenges that will boost your confidence and allow you to live a more rewarding life. Obstacles are not the end of the world and they actually are character building. Overcoming obstacles gives us knowledge for the future and helps us grow psychologically. Everyone wants to be better in some part of their lives and you must overcome that obstacle standing in your way. As I said it is very important to have a positive mindset when faced with an obstacle. Each individual will have his own way of dealing with life’s hurdles but there is no doubt that positive thinking and determination will play a major role in your continuing quest to fulfill your life.

“Nobody will believe in you unless you believe in yourself.” Liberace

Overcoming Obstacles

No life is without it’s fair share of problems. We all know the saying ‘it’s not the problems that determine your state, it’s your attitude towards them’, but this often seems easier said than done.

Remain Happy and Calm

If we can stay cheerful when we are confronted with a problem, that automatically reduces the size of the problem. We have to cultivate the attitude of a warrior, stand firm and not let our negative thoughts rule us. I can give my example of being transferred into a wheelchair for the first time and how I felt. Naturally it was a very frustrating and difficult time for me. It took a lot of comforting from the doctor to make me feel comfortable and realize the advantages of a wheelchair. In the beginning the wheelchair felt like a prison for me preventing me from what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go.

It is extremely important to remain positive when you are faced with an obstacle in life. The 3 qualities which have enabled me to remain positive have been never to give up in life, have faith in God and always believe in your abilities. These qualities have enabled me always to be determined and struggle in life for anything you want to achieve in life.

Importance of Motivation and Inspiration

Getting motivated or getting inspired are two similar things in my opinion. You get motivation through setting of goals like for example my setting a certain number of laps makes me motivated to swim. By watching videos of motivational speakers or sporting personalities in action also gets you motivated to do greater things in life. Similarly inspiration is an important factor in maintaining one’s resolve. One should try to surround oneself with as many inspiring things as possible in the form of music, books, videos etc. I have been a sports fan from the beginning and two of my biggest inspirations have been from sports namely Roger Federer in tennis and Tiger Woods in golf. Their ability to return from the impossible and win matches is such an inspiration and their never say die attitude is immensely critical for achieving anything in life. It is their determination to stay focused on the job at hand which makes them no.1 in my book. To have role models in life who can motivate or inspire you is truly a blessing and I consider myself fortunate in having that to overcome any hurdle in life.

Believing in your Self-Abilities

Overcoming any obstacle in life requires a lot of self belief in one’s self as mentioned by me briefly. My becoming a motivational speaker was a result of having belief in my abilities. The ability of sharing my story with other children was immensely satisfying and the feedback I have been getting from my talks is inspirational. Indeed for most of us, public speaking is the biggest fear and obstacle in life. I would say that it was due to my physical condition which encouraged me to give motivational talks. Having seen other physically challenged people do public speaking and share their story with other people was very inspirational for me.

I would like to mention my biggest inspiration in public speaking W. Mitchell who himself is in a wheelchair. A fiery motorcycle accident burnt 65% of his body and a plane crash a few years later took away his ability to walk. It is his philosophy in life which has led to my ability to overcome the obstacle of public speaking which is “It is not what happens to you it is what you do about it”.

I would also like to mention The Toastmasters Club which improves your public speaking and communication skills. It is also greatly instrumental in overcoming my fear of public speaking and improving them. As I am the only one on a wheelchair attending the meetings, the encouragement and the support I get from the other people is so rewarding and makes me feel so welcome at The Toastmasters.

Never let Disability come in your Way

We have seen that people with disabilities have been able to overcome obstacles and achieve international recognition in life. The one name that comes to my mind is Stephen Hawking the famous British professor of mathematics having recently retired from that post in 2009. He was paralyzed from head to toe and could only move his middle finger. The rest is history as we saw what he achieved. For those people who don’t know of Haw king’s achievements, he is known for contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity. He has also achieved success with works of popular science in which he discusses his own theory and cosmology in general. These include the runaway bestseller A Brief History of Time. In 2007 Hawking took a flight in zero gravity. He became the first quadriplegic to float in zero-gravity. It was for the first time in 40 years that he moved freely without his wheelchair. This is the best example one can give of positive thinking. My point is that people with disabilities have that extra will power and they use more of their inner strength in overcoming all obstacles.

Knowledge for the Future

Life is a continuous journey. You will keep growing and improving yourself along the way until the time comes when nothing seems to be difficult anymore. When this day comes, you should start looking for new challenges that will boost your confidence and allow you to live a more rewarding life. Obstacles are not the end of the world and they actually are character building. Overcoming obstacles gives us knowledge for the future and helps us grow psychologically. Everyone wants to be better in some part of their lives and you must overcome that obstacle standing in your way. As I said it is very important to have a positive mindset when faced with an obstacle. Each individual will have his own way of dealing with life’s hurdles but there is no doubt that positive thinking and determination will play a major role in your continuing quest to fulfill your life.

“Nobody will believe in you unless you believe in yourself.” Liberace

Overcoming Obstacles

No life is without it’s fair share of problems. We all know the saying ‘it’s not the problems that determine your state, it’s your attitude towards them’, but this often seems easier said than done.

Remain Happy and Calm

If we can stay cheerful when we are confronted with a problem, that automatically reduces the size of the problem. We have to cultivate the attitude of a warrior, stand firm and not let our negative thoughts rule us. I can give my example of being transferred into a wheelchair for the first time and how I felt. Naturally it was a very frustrating and difficult time for me. It took a lot of comforting from the doctor to make me feel comfortable and realize the advantages of a wheelchair. In the beginning the wheelchair felt like a prison for me preventing me from what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go.

It is extremely important to remain positive when you are faced with an obstacle in life. The 3 qualities which have enabled me to remain positive have been never to give up in life, have faith in God and always believe in your abilities. These qualities have enabled me always to be determined and struggle in life for anything you want to achieve in life.

Importance of Motivation and Inspiration

Getting motivated or getting inspired are two similar things in my opinion. You get motivation through setting of goals like for example my setting a certain number of laps makes me motivated to swim. By watching videos of motivational speakers or sporting personalities in action also gets you motivated to do greater things in life. Similarly inspiration is an important factor in maintaining one’s resolve. One should try to surround oneself with as many inspiring things as possible in the form of music, books, videos etc. I have been a sports fan from the beginning and two of my biggest inspirations have been from sports namely Roger Federer in tennis and Tiger Woods in golf. Their ability to return from the impossible and win matches is such an inspiration and their never say die attitude is immensely critical for achieving anything in life. It is their determination to stay focused on the job at hand which makes them no.1 in my book. To have role models in life who can motivate or inspire you is truly a blessing and I consider myself fortunate in having that to overcome any hurdle in life.

Believing in your Self-Abilities

Overcoming any obstacle in life requires a lot of self belief in one’s self as mentioned by me briefly. My becoming a motivational speaker was a result of having belief in my abilities. The ability of sharing my story with other children was immensely satisfying and the feedback I have been getting from my talks is inspirational. Indeed for most of us, public speaking is the biggest fear and obstacle in life. I would say that it was due to my physical condition which encouraged me to give motivational talks. Having seen other physically challenged people do public speaking and share their story with other people was very inspirational for me.

I would like to mention my biggest inspiration in public speaking W. Mitchell who himself is in a wheelchair. A fiery motorcycle accident burnt 65% of his body and a plane crash a few years later took away his ability to walk. It is his philosophy in life which has led to my ability to overcome the obstacle of public speaking which is “It is not what happens to you it is what you do about it”.

I would also like to mention The Toastmasters Club which improves your public speaking and communication skills. It is also greatly instrumental in overcoming my fear of public speaking and improving them. As I am the only one on a wheelchair attending the meetings, the encouragement and the support I get from the other people is so rewarding and makes me feel so welcome at The Toastmasters.

Never let Disability come in your Way

We have seen that people with disabilities have been able to overcome obstacles and achieve international recognition in life. The one name that comes to my mind is Stephen Hawking the famous British professor of mathematics having recently retired from that post in 2009. He was paralyzed from head to toe and could only move his middle finger. The rest is history as we saw what he achieved. For those people who don’t know of Haw king’s achievements, he is known for contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity. He has also achieved success with works of popular science in which he discusses his own theory and cosmology in general. These include the runaway bestseller A Brief History of Time. In 2007 Hawking took a flight in zero gravity. He became the first quadriplegic to float in zero-gravity. It was for the first time in 40 years that he moved freely without his wheelchair. This is the best example one can give of positive thinking. My point is that people with disabilities have that extra will power and they use more of their inner strength in overcoming all obstacles.

Knowledge for the Future

Life is a continuous journey. You will keep growing and improving yourself along the way until the time comes when nothing seems to be difficult anymore. When this day comes, you should start looking for new challenges that will boost your confidence and allow you to live a more rewarding life. Obstacles are not the end of the world and they actually are character building. Overcoming obstacles gives us knowledge for the future and helps us grow psychologically. Everyone wants to be better in some part of their lives and you must overcome that obstacle standing in your way. As I said it is very important to have a positive mindset when faced with an obstacle. Each individual will have his own way of dealing with life’s hurdles but there is no doubt that positive thinking and determination will play a major role in your continuing quest to fulfill your life.

“Nobody will believe in you unless you believe in yourself.” Liberace

Monday, December 14, 2009

My Life

When I was first diagnosed with having Friedrich’s Ataxia and was told that I will not be able to walk again, it was very heartbreaking. Seeing a wheelchair for the first time was not a welcoming sight for me. At that point, it felt like my life was coming to an end. All my dreams and ambitions were shattered and the question why did it happen to me kept being repeated in my mind. Being the only child of my parents was also very tough for my parents to accept in the beginning.

The wheelchair, my source of strength

Over the years the wheelchair has proved to be a source of strength for me. It is very important to have a positive frame of mind when you are faced with an obstacle in life. In the Quran it is repeated time and again that the ability to struggle in life for something is of utmost importance even though you may not achieve your desired goal. I always have tried to follow the simple philosophy in life which I have taken from a motivational speaker and one of my inspirations W. Mitchell. “It is not what happens to you It is what you do about It”. Life is unpredictable and lot of things happen over which you have no control. At the end of the day you get to choose as to how to live your life, as it is you who knows what you capable of doing. The choice is whether to live life with a positive attitude, get out of your comfort zone, make things happen or to accept life as it is, feeling frustrated and doing nothing about it.

I have chosen to be positive in life, never to give up and have the will power to succeed which has been the result of my being physically challenged. I have never let my disability come in the way of what I have wanted to achieve. My being able to swim without discomfort is the result of being positive in life. Similarly my giving motivational talks is due to the belief in my abilities of achieving something for the underprivileged people.

I have always learnt never to let failures prevent me from what goals I have wanted to achieve no matter how insurmountable the challenge is. It would be my advise to everyone is to never to think of disabled people as someone who are incapable of achieving anything in life. They must be given equal opportunities like other individuals to test what they are capable of accomplishing.

My Life

When I was first diagnosed with having Friedrich’s Ataxia and was told that I will not be able to walk again, it was very heartbreaking. Seeing a wheelchair for the first time was not a welcoming sight for me. At that point, it felt like my life was coming to an end. All my dreams and ambitions were shattered and the question why did it happen to me kept being repeated in my mind. Being the only child of my parents was also very tough for my parents to accept in the beginning.

The wheelchair, my source of strength

Over the years the wheelchair has proved to be a source of strength for me. It is very important to have a positive frame of mind when you are faced with an obstacle in life. In the Quran it is repeated time and again that the ability to struggle in life for something is of utmost importance even though you may not achieve your desired goal. I always have tried to follow the simple philosophy in life which I have taken from a motivational speaker and one of my inspirations W. Mitchell. “It is not what happens to you It is what you do about It”. Life is unpredictable and lot of things happen over which you have no control. At the end of the day you get to choose as to how to live your life, as it is you who knows what you capable of doing. The choice is whether to live life with a positive attitude, get out of your comfort zone, make things happen or to accept life as it is, feeling frustrated and doing nothing about it.

I have chosen to be positive in life, never to give up and have the will power to succeed which has been the result of my being physically challenged. I have never let my disability come in the way of what I have wanted to achieve. My being able to swim without discomfort is the result of being positive in life. Similarly my giving motivational talks is due to the belief in my abilities of achieving something for the underprivileged people.

I have always learnt never to let failures prevent me from what goals I have wanted to achieve no matter how insurmountable the challenge is. It would be my advise to everyone is to never to think of disabled people as someone who are incapable of achieving anything in life. They must be given equal opportunities like other individuals to test what they are capable of accomplishing.

My Life

When I was first diagnosed with having Friedrich’s Ataxia and was told that I will not be able to walk again, it was very heartbreaking. Seeing a wheelchair for the first time was not a welcoming sight for me. At that point, it felt like my life was coming to an end. All my dreams and ambitions were shattered and the question why did it happen to me kept being repeated in my mind. Being the only child of my parents was also very tough for my parents to accept in the beginning.

The wheelchair, my source of strength

Over the years the wheelchair has proved to be a source of strength for me. It is very important to have a positive frame of mind when you are faced with an obstacle in life. In the Quran it is repeated time and again that the ability to struggle in life for something is of utmost importance even though you may not achieve your desired goal. I always have tried to follow the simple philosophy in life which I have taken from a motivational speaker and one of my inspirations W. Mitchell. “It is not what happens to you It is what you do about It”. Life is unpredictable and lot of things happen over which you have no control. At the end of the day you get to choose as to how to live your life, as it is you who knows what you capable of doing. The choice is whether to live life with a positive attitude, get out of your comfort zone, make things happen or to accept life as it is, feeling frustrated and doing nothing about it.

I have chosen to be positive in life, never to give up and have the will power to succeed which has been the result of my being physically challenged. I have never let my disability come in the way of what I have wanted to achieve. My being able to swim without discomfort is the result of being positive in life. Similarly my giving motivational talks is due to the belief in my abilities of achieving something for the underprivileged people.

I have always learnt never to let failures prevent me from what goals I have wanted to achieve no matter how insurmountable the challenge is. It would be my advise to everyone is to never to think of disabled people as someone who are incapable of achieving anything in life. They must be given equal opportunities like other individuals to test what they are capable of accomplishing.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My birthday

Birthdays are considered special ocassions where it is the one day where you are thought of by evberyone including your friends, family and relatives. I celebrated my 40th birthday a couple of days ago and it indeed was a memorable ocassion for me.
It was made memorable by the fact that my phupoo from Lahore and my cousin from Australia were here visiting me and after a gap of almost 30 years they were here on my birthday. Through out the dayI kept on recieving e-mails, phone calls and smses from various friends wishing me and I was reminded that today was my big day so enjoy it.
The feeling I had that day was difficult to describe. I was feeling very happy and excited about the ocassion. Being thought of by so many people was very special and that is what made my day so significant for me.
In the evening I had a dinner for my family and friends at the chinese restaurant Dynasty in Avari Towers. We had 2 seperate tables for my friends and family respectively. I sat with my friends and had a great time. It was also the fact that 5 of my closest friends were there really made the dinner more memorable. One of my friends who is in the States now, was visiting Karachi after 3 years and his presense made it a more joyous ocassion.
Everyone really enjoyed the food and one of my friends made sure to take the photographs. The most important part of blowing the candles and cutting the cake was quite a funny moment for me with my friend helping me to cut the cake. I would have to say it was probably one of the most enjoyable dinners I have had.
So that bought to an end my 40th birthday celebration. It was by all means a memorable and unforgetable one for me. I opened up my birthday gifts and they were all very nice. They say that life begins at 40. I just pray to God that all my dreams I have and what I am working on are achieved successfully.

My birthday

Birthdays are considered special ocassions where it is the one day where you are thought of by evberyone including your friends, family and relatives. I celebrated my 40th birthday a couple of days ago and it indeed was a memorable ocassion for me.
It was made memorable by the fact that my phupoo from Lahore and my cousin from Australia were here visiting me and after a gap of almost 30 years they were here on my birthday. Through out the dayI kept on recieving e-mails, phone calls and smses from various friends wishing me and I was reminded that today was my big day so enjoy it.
The feeling I had that day was difficult to describe. I was feeling very happy and excited about the ocassion. Being thought of by so many people was very special and that is what made my day so significant for me.
In the evening I had a dinner for my family and friends at the chinese restaurant Dynasty in Avari Towers. We had 2 seperate tables for my friends and family respectively. I sat with my friends and had a great time. It was also the fact that 5 of my closest friends were there really made the dinner more memorable. One of my friends who is in the States now, was visiting Karachi after 3 years and his presense made it a more joyous ocassion.
Everyone really enjoyed the food and one of my friends made sure to take the photographs. The most important part of blowing the candles and cutting the cake was quite a funny moment for me with my friend helping me to cut the cake. I would have to say it was probably one of the most enjoyable dinners I have had.
So that bought to an end my 40th birthday celebration. It was by all means a memorable and unforgetable one for me. I opened up my birthday gifts and they were all very nice. They say that life begins at 40. I just pray to God that all my dreams I have and what I am working on are achieved successfully.

My birthday

Birthdays are considered special ocassions where it is the one day where you are thought of by evberyone including your friends, family and relatives. I celebrated my 40th birthday a couple of days ago and it indeed was a memorable ocassion for me.
It was made memorable by the fact that my phupoo from Lahore and my cousin from Australia were here visiting me and after a gap of almost 30 years they were here on my birthday. Through out the dayI kept on recieving e-mails, phone calls and smses from various friends wishing me and I was reminded that today was my big day so enjoy it.
The feeling I had that day was difficult to describe. I was feeling very happy and excited about the ocassion. Being thought of by so many people was very special and that is what made my day so significant for me.
In the evening I had a dinner for my family and friends at the chinese restaurant Dynasty in Avari Towers. We had 2 seperate tables for my friends and family respectively. I sat with my friends and had a great time. It was also the fact that 5 of my closest friends were there really made the dinner more memorable. One of my friends who is in the States now, was visiting Karachi after 3 years and his presense made it a more joyous ocassion.
Everyone really enjoyed the food and one of my friends made sure to take the photographs. The most important part of blowing the candles and cutting the cake was quite a funny moment for me with my friend helping me to cut the cake. I would have to say it was probably one of the most enjoyable dinners I have had.
So that bought to an end my 40th birthday celebration. It was by all means a memorable and unforgetable one for me. I opened up my birthday gifts and they were all very nice. They say that life begins at 40. I just pray to God that all my dreams I have and what I am working on are achieved successfully.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Diary on Swimming and Accessibility

Swimming has always been my passion and I just love it. Having shifted into a wheelchair did not stop me from swimming. On the contrary it made me even more determined and it increased my will power and stamina. The opportunity to move freely and have all the freedom I can get gives me a lot of satisfaction and comfort.

Overcoming my Biggest Challenge

Having been sitting in a wheelchair the whole day and shifting into a swimming mode is a refreshing change to say the least. It is true that the incident which happened, while I was swimming did have a telling effect on me and I was shaken up. I decided to take it as a challenge and not become apprehensive about it. By becoming scared and afraid would not solve the problem but would make matters worse. It did take me around a couple of months to overcome my fears but at the end of the day I was successful in overcoming it.

Swimming is also my biggest motivation in life and I get the motivation bys setting a number of laps I have to achieve. My biggest sense of victory would be when I see other normal people unable to swim and when I see myself swimming despite having a handicap. This joy is further made sweet, when I see people coming up to me and acknowledge my effort and determination while swimming. A good swim always propels me into a very happy mood.
When my doctors in England hear about my swimming and doing 20 laps on a regular basis, they are very impressed and they ask me to keep it up. Swimming has been the key to my condition being in a stable position. It helps me to strengthen my legs, make my arms more powerful and increase my stamina. I would say that swimming is the best exercise for any human being as you get to use all parts of your body. It has helped me tremendously in my quest to becoming fit and a strong willed person.

My swimming coach

My swimming coach has been with me for a number of years and has worked very hard with me. He is always standing there by the side when I do my laps and encourages me a lot. Meraj which is his knows me so well now that he can read my face now and can tell when I am in trouble. Meraj really deserves for making sure that I swim feeling relaxed and confident. These days when I go for swimming a lifeguard is also present and also is in the pool when I am swimming.

As Meraj has to take care of all the kids in the pool, the lifeguard takes care of me. I would say that having two people is much better and it also lessens the pressure on Meraj to an extent.Another change to the swimming pool which was due for some time has been the pool being covered now. It is really a refreshing change as before the scorching sun used to beat down on the pool with all its intensity.

The result was that it made swimming very uncomfortable in the summers and the water used to be boiling hot. The temperature of the water used to be higher than the temperature outside. We used to see people not come for swimming because of the heat and lot of complaints started from people to cover the pool. Ultimately the pool was covered last year and it has made a tremendous difference. The water has become cool as the sun does not beat down on it like it used to in the past.

Advantages of having helpers

Getting up in the morning and going to the washroom is not a simple task for me being physically challenged? I do have the benefit of having helpers who assist me in getting up going to the washroom and getting dressed. A helper also shaves for me and with the assistance of two people I go in my tub to take a bath. When I have finished taking a bath the same procedure is applied to get me out.

For getting dressed I again require the help of two people. I do have a lift near my room on which I can go down and I do require one person to be on the lift with me. Getting into the car requires help from my driver to make me sit in the car. It is not possible for me to drive the car because of my legs not being strong enough. I do wear a seat belt with the help of my driver.

Even at the office I do require help to come up the lift and in my office. Going to the washroom at the office is done with the help of two people. I do need help at the office for getting me water and for putting my ipod in my ears.

In fact I do have a helper at the office who sets up my computer and brings coffee and my lunch for me. He also does simple tasks such as helping me with the making of cheques and bills for me plus receiving various documents. I also take him with me to the swimming pool and he also helps me to get in and out of the pool along with another person. I also require help to take a shower after a swim.

So as you can see that the helpers, I have play a very pivotal role in my overcoming the challenge of doing routine things despite being in a wheelchair. I have been fortunate enough to have found very helpful and caring people where ever I go including restaurants, cinemas, shops and even going to schools, offices for giving a talk.

Places not being wheelchair friendly

As I have always stressed in my articles as to how accessible places in Karachi are for wheelchairs. Unfortunately not much although a lot of work is being done to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. In my opinion accessibility is the major hurdle and I can highlight the problems I face at certain places.

When I do go to give motivational talks at schools or colleges, there is always the issue of the building being wheelchair friendly or not. In the case of the building not being accessible to wheelchairs which is often, my chair has to be lifted by other helpers which is not at all a pleasant experience for me.

Swimming not a problem for me

I swim at Sindh Club and the pool there is also not wheelchair friendly. For me to get in the pool I require the help of 2 people and similarly for getting out the same process is required. Once in the pool I do not have any problems as there is a railing to hold onto at the end of both sides of the pool. So swimming is not a problem for me. There is a life guard with me in the pool as long as I swim. My coach also stands outside the pool keeping an eye on me. So swimming without having a problem is definitely a big advantage and a blessing for me.

Accessibiity the biggest hurdle for physically challenged people in Pakistan

Similarly I face the problem of accessibility when I go out to restaurants for a meal with friends. Although I do make sure that the restaurant I am going to is wheelchair friendly. Although we know that majority of the restaurants in Karachi are not wheelchair friendly, having a lot of stairs. So my chair has to be lifted by a couple of helpers at such places. I can say that with helpers available at all places curtails my problem of going to places which do not cater to physically challenged people.

Diary on Swimming and Accessibility

Swimming has always been my passion and I just love it. Having shifted into a wheelchair did not stop me from swimming. On the contrary it made me even more determined and it increased my will power and stamina. The opportunity to move freely and have all the freedom I can get gives me a lot of satisfaction and comfort.

Overcoming my Biggest Challenge

Having been sitting in a wheelchair the whole day and shifting into a swimming mode is a refreshing change to say the least. It is true that the incident which happened, while I was swimming did have a telling effect on me and I was shaken up. I decided to take it as a challenge and not become apprehensive about it. By becoming scared and afraid would not solve the problem but would make matters worse. It did take me around a couple of months to overcome my fears but at the end of the day I was successful in overcoming it.

Swimming is also my biggest motivation in life and I get the motivation bys setting a number of laps I have to achieve. My biggest sense of victory would be when I see other normal people unable to swim and when I see myself swimming despite having a handicap. This joy is further made sweet, when I see people coming up to me and acknowledge my effort and determination while swimming. A good swim always propels me into a very happy mood.
When my doctors in England hear about my swimming and doing 20 laps on a regular basis, they are very impressed and they ask me to keep it up. Swimming has been the key to my condition being in a stable position. It helps me to strengthen my legs, make my arms more powerful and increase my stamina. I would say that swimming is the best exercise for any human being as you get to use all parts of your body. It has helped me tremendously in my quest to becoming fit and a strong willed person.

My swimming coach

My swimming coach has been with me for a number of years and has worked very hard with me. He is always standing there by the side when I do my laps and encourages me a lot. Meraj which is his knows me so well now that he can read my face now and can tell when I am in trouble. Meraj really deserves for making sure that I swim feeling relaxed and confident. These days when I go for swimming a lifeguard is also present and also is in the pool when I am swimming.

As Meraj has to take care of all the kids in the pool, the lifeguard takes care of me. I would say that having two people is much better and it also lessens the pressure on Meraj to an extent.Another change to the swimming pool which was due for some time has been the pool being covered now. It is really a refreshing change as before the scorching sun used to beat down on the pool with all its intensity.

The result was that it made swimming very uncomfortable in the summers and the water used to be boiling hot. The temperature of the water used to be higher than the temperature outside. We used to see people not come for swimming because of the heat and lot of complaints started from people to cover the pool. Ultimately the pool was covered last year and it has made a tremendous difference. The water has become cool as the sun does not beat down on it like it used to in the past.

Advantages of having helpers

Getting up in the morning and going to the washroom is not a simple task for me being physically challenged? I do have the benefit of having helpers who assist me in getting up going to the washroom and getting dressed. A helper also shaves for me and with the assistance of two people I go in my tub to take a bath. When I have finished taking a bath the same procedure is applied to get me out.

For getting dressed I again require the help of two people. I do have a lift near my room on which I can go down and I do require one person to be on the lift with me. Getting into the car requires help from my driver to make me sit in the car. It is not possible for me to drive the car because of my legs not being strong enough. I do wear a seat belt with the help of my driver.

Even at the office I do require help to come up the lift and in my office. Going to the washroom at the office is done with the help of two people. I do need help at the office for getting me water and for putting my ipod in my ears.

In fact I do have a helper at the office who sets up my computer and brings coffee and my lunch for me. He also does simple tasks such as helping me with the making of cheques and bills for me plus receiving various documents. I also take him with me to the swimming pool and he also helps me to get in and out of the pool along with another person. I also require help to take a shower after a swim.

So as you can see that the helpers, I have play a very pivotal role in my overcoming the challenge of doing routine things despite being in a wheelchair. I have been fortunate enough to have found very helpful and caring people where ever I go including restaurants, cinemas, shops and even going to schools, offices for giving a talk.

Places not being wheelchair friendly

As I have always stressed in my articles as to how accessible places in Karachi are for wheelchairs. Unfortunately not much although a lot of work is being done to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. In my opinion accessibility is the major hurdle and I can highlight the problems I face at certain places.

When I do go to give motivational talks at schools or colleges, there is always the issue of the building being wheelchair friendly or not. In the case of the building not being accessible to wheelchairs which is often, my chair has to be lifted by other helpers which is not at all a pleasant experience for me.

Swimming not a problem for me

I swim at Sindh Club and the pool there is also not wheelchair friendly. For me to get in the pool I require the help of 2 people and similarly for getting out the same process is required. Once in the pool I do not have any problems as there is a railing to hold onto at the end of both sides of the pool. So swimming is not a problem for me. There is a life guard with me in the pool as long as I swim. My coach also stands outside the pool keeping an eye on me. So swimming without having a problem is definitely a big advantage and a blessing for me.

Accessibiity the biggest hurdle for physically challenged people in Pakistan

Similarly I face the problem of accessibility when I go out to restaurants for a meal with friends. Although I do make sure that the restaurant I am going to is wheelchair friendly. Although we know that majority of the restaurants in Karachi are not wheelchair friendly, having a lot of stairs. So my chair has to be lifted by a couple of helpers at such places. I can say that with helpers available at all places curtails my problem of going to places which do not cater to physically challenged people.

Diary on Swimming and Accessibility

Swimming has always been my passion and I just love it. Having shifted into a wheelchair did not stop me from swimming. On the contrary it made me even more determined and it increased my will power and stamina. The opportunity to move freely and have all the freedom I can get gives me a lot of satisfaction and comfort.

Overcoming my Biggest Challenge

Having been sitting in a wheelchair the whole day and shifting into a swimming mode is a refreshing change to say the least. It is true that the incident which happened, while I was swimming did have a telling effect on me and I was shaken up. I decided to take it as a challenge and not become apprehensive about it. By becoming scared and afraid would not solve the problem but would make matters worse. It did take me around a couple of months to overcome my fears but at the end of the day I was successful in overcoming it.

Swimming is also my biggest motivation in life and I get the motivation bys setting a number of laps I have to achieve. My biggest sense of victory would be when I see other normal people unable to swim and when I see myself swimming despite having a handicap. This joy is further made sweet, when I see people coming up to me and acknowledge my effort and determination while swimming. A good swim always propels me into a very happy mood.
When my doctors in England hear about my swimming and doing 20 laps on a regular basis, they are very impressed and they ask me to keep it up. Swimming has been the key to my condition being in a stable position. It helps me to strengthen my legs, make my arms more powerful and increase my stamina. I would say that swimming is the best exercise for any human being as you get to use all parts of your body. It has helped me tremendously in my quest to becoming fit and a strong willed person.

My swimming coach

My swimming coach has been with me for a number of years and has worked very hard with me. He is always standing there by the side when I do my laps and encourages me a lot. Meraj which is his knows me so well now that he can read my face now and can tell when I am in trouble. Meraj really deserves for making sure that I swim feeling relaxed and confident. These days when I go for swimming a lifeguard is also present and also is in the pool when I am swimming.

As Meraj has to take care of all the kids in the pool, the lifeguard takes care of me. I would say that having two people is much better and it also lessens the pressure on Meraj to an extent.Another change to the swimming pool which was due for some time has been the pool being covered now. It is really a refreshing change as before the scorching sun used to beat down on the pool with all its intensity.

The result was that it made swimming very uncomfortable in the summers and the water used to be boiling hot. The temperature of the water used to be higher than the temperature outside. We used to see people not come for swimming because of the heat and lot of complaints started from people to cover the pool. Ultimately the pool was covered last year and it has made a tremendous difference. The water has become cool as the sun does not beat down on it like it used to in the past.

Advantages of having helpers

Getting up in the morning and going to the washroom is not a simple task for me being physically challenged? I do have the benefit of having helpers who assist me in getting up going to the washroom and getting dressed. A helper also shaves for me and with the assistance of two people I go in my tub to take a bath. When I have finished taking a bath the same procedure is applied to get me out.

For getting dressed I again require the help of two people. I do have a lift near my room on which I can go down and I do require one person to be on the lift with me. Getting into the car requires help from my driver to make me sit in the car. It is not possible for me to drive the car because of my legs not being strong enough. I do wear a seat belt with the help of my driver.

Even at the office I do require help to come up the lift and in my office. Going to the washroom at the office is done with the help of two people. I do need help at the office for getting me water and for putting my ipod in my ears.

In fact I do have a helper at the office who sets up my computer and brings coffee and my lunch for me. He also does simple tasks such as helping me with the making of cheques and bills for me plus receiving various documents. I also take him with me to the swimming pool and he also helps me to get in and out of the pool along with another person. I also require help to take a shower after a swim.

So as you can see that the helpers, I have play a very pivotal role in my overcoming the challenge of doing routine things despite being in a wheelchair. I have been fortunate enough to have found very helpful and caring people where ever I go including restaurants, cinemas, shops and even going to schools, offices for giving a talk.

Places not being wheelchair friendly

As I have always stressed in my articles as to how accessible places in Karachi are for wheelchairs. Unfortunately not much although a lot of work is being done to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. In my opinion accessibility is the major hurdle and I can highlight the problems I face at certain places.

When I do go to give motivational talks at schools or colleges, there is always the issue of the building being wheelchair friendly or not. In the case of the building not being accessible to wheelchairs which is often, my chair has to be lifted by other helpers which is not at all a pleasant experience for me.

Swimming not a problem for me

I swim at Sindh Club and the pool there is also not wheelchair friendly. For me to get in the pool I require the help of 2 people and similarly for getting out the same process is required. Once in the pool I do not have any problems as there is a railing to hold onto at the end of both sides of the pool. So swimming is not a problem for me. There is a life guard with me in the pool as long as I swim. My coach also stands outside the pool keeping an eye on me. So swimming without having a problem is definitely a big advantage and a blessing for me.

Accessibiity the biggest hurdle for physically challenged people in Pakistan

Similarly I face the problem of accessibility when I go out to restaurants for a meal with friends. Although I do make sure that the restaurant I am going to is wheelchair friendly. Although we know that majority of the restaurants in Karachi are not wheelchair friendly, having a lot of stairs. So my chair has to be lifted by a couple of helpers at such places. I can say that with helpers available at all places curtails my problem of going to places which do not cater to physically challenged people.

Challenges for the Physically Challenged

Living in Pakistan can be quite a test for physically challenged people in wheelchairs. The reason is that Pakistan is not wheelchair friendly at all; there are no ramps or lifts available in most public places, bathrooms are not adapted and transport is not easily available either.

Living up to and facing the Challenges

As Pakistan is my home I have gotten used to facing all types of challenges but at times it can be very frustrating and annoying. I have become a motivational speaker and visit various schools, universities and corporate offices to give lectures. I can tell you from first-hand experiences that getting to these venues is no easy task! I recall going to one of the leading business schools of Karachi to deliver a lecture. On arriving there I found out that there was no ramp or lift available. My lecture was on the 2nd floor and my chair had to be lifted by helpers. To say the least, this was not an enjoyable experience for me. During my lecture I made sure to emphasize the point that the building was not wheelchair friendly. Now, I always find out beforehand if the building where I will be giving my lecture is wheelchair friendly.

Restaurants should be more accessible to wheelchair users

Similarly I face problems when going to restaurants that have stairs and do not cater for physically challenged people. My chair has to be lifted at such restaurants, which is quite a nerve wrecking experience. Once I remember being invited for dinner at a restaurant which was in a basement. As there was no lift, I refused to go there. Similarly, it was impossible for me to go to a leading café in Karachi because of the non availability of a lift and I missed out on all the fun. Most leading cinemas of Karachi are also not accessible for the physically challenged. It requires great effort and determination for people in wheelchairs to go anywhere. We can also not rule out the risk of injury when a wheelchair is being lifted or carried.

Could this be one of the main reasons why we do not see people with disabilities in public places?

Why is our society so ignorant about the problems faced by disabled people

One important thing which I forbgot to mentiyon is the lack of toilets for the disabled in public places. Even in the leading hotels in Karachi we do not find a wheelchair friendly toilet which causes a lot of discomfort for me. I am lucky to own a car and have helpers with me to take me to all kinds of places. What about disabled people who don’t have this help?

In addition, I have noticed that people tend to stare at a person in a wheelchair when he goes out in public. This makes the person in the wheelchair feel very unwelcome as if he is not a part of society.

On the other hand when I travel to England it is totally wheelchair friendly and I do not have to think about this problem at all. Their public transport, including buses and taxis, have ramps thus making it easy for the physically challenged people to travel. I can go on and on to highlight the various advantages as shops, cinemas and restaurants all cater fully for people with all types of disabilities.
I feel that the main difference between England and Pakistan is the attitude of the people and the way they think about physically challenged people and how they show their feelings. People in England appear to be very caring and more humane in every way. In Pakistan, like I wrote earlier, people tend to stare at you.

On the other hand, I do feel that people have started to understand the rights of the disabled society of Pakistan. Recently Pakistan has signed the UN Convention for protecting the rights of the disabled society . I do believe that is a step in the right direction.

Equal opportunities must be provided to disabled people

There are many organizations working for the rights of disabled people. The media has also played a very important role by giving coverage to disabled people including my interview on various television channels. It is a very important step to highlight the point of view of people with disabilities. Through such efforts we can hope to follow in the footsteps of a country like England and make Pakistan a wheelchair friendly country where physically challenged people have the same opportunities as those without wheel chairs.

” In the midst of winter, I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer".

Challenges for the Physically Challenged

Living in Pakistan can be quite a test for physically challenged people in wheelchairs. The reason is that Pakistan is not wheelchair friendly at all; there are no ramps or lifts available in most public places, bathrooms are not adapted and transport is not easily available either.

Living up to and facing the Challenges

As Pakistan is my home I have gotten used to facing all types of challenges but at times it can be very frustrating and annoying. I have become a motivational speaker and visit various schools, universities and corporate offices to give lectures. I can tell you from first-hand experiences that getting to these venues is no easy task! I recall going to one of the leading business schools of Karachi to deliver a lecture. On arriving there I found out that there was no ramp or lift available. My lecture was on the 2nd floor and my chair had to be lifted by helpers. To say the least, this was not an enjoyable experience for me. During my lecture I made sure to emphasize the point that the building was not wheelchair friendly. Now, I always find out beforehand if the building where I will be giving my lecture is wheelchair friendly.

Restaurants should be more accessible to wheelchair users

Similarly I face problems when going to restaurants that have stairs and do not cater for physically challenged people. My chair has to be lifted at such restaurants, which is quite a nerve wrecking experience. Once I remember being invited for dinner at a restaurant which was in a basement. As there was no lift, I refused to go there. Similarly, it was impossible for me to go to a leading café in Karachi because of the non availability of a lift and I missed out on all the fun. Most leading cinemas of Karachi are also not accessible for the physically challenged. It requires great effort and determination for people in wheelchairs to go anywhere. We can also not rule out the risk of injury when a wheelchair is being lifted or carried.

Could this be one of the main reasons why we do not see people with disabilities in public places?

Why is our society so ignorant about the problems faced by disabled people

One important thing which I forbgot to mentiyon is the lack of toilets for the disabled in public places. Even in the leading hotels in Karachi we do not find a wheelchair friendly toilet which causes a lot of discomfort for me. I am lucky to own a car and have helpers with me to take me to all kinds of places. What about disabled people who don’t have this help?

In addition, I have noticed that people tend to stare at a person in a wheelchair when he goes out in public. This makes the person in the wheelchair feel very unwelcome as if he is not a part of society.

On the other hand when I travel to England it is totally wheelchair friendly and I do not have to think about this problem at all. Their public transport, including buses and taxis, have ramps thus making it easy for the physically challenged people to travel. I can go on and on to highlight the various advantages as shops, cinemas and restaurants all cater fully for people with all types of disabilities.
I feel that the main difference between England and Pakistan is the attitude of the people and the way they think about physically challenged people and how they show their feelings. People in England appear to be very caring and more humane in every way. In Pakistan, like I wrote earlier, people tend to stare at you.

On the other hand, I do feel that people have started to understand the rights of the disabled society of Pakistan. Recently Pakistan has signed the UN Convention for protecting the rights of the disabled society . I do believe that is a step in the right direction.

Equal opportunities must be provided to disabled people

There are many organizations working for the rights of disabled people. The media has also played a very important role by giving coverage to disabled people including my interview on various television channels. It is a very important step to highlight the point of view of people with disabilities. Through such efforts we can hope to follow in the footsteps of a country like England and make Pakistan a wheelchair friendly country where physically challenged people have the same opportunities as those without wheel chairs.

” In the midst of winter, I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer".