Monday, December 21, 2009

My talk at Habib boys School

On the 17th of December 2009 I gave a motivational talk at Habib Public Boys School. This talk was organized by Family Education Services Foundation who have a school in Karachi known as Deaf Reach. This talk was a part of the Move Seminars they have every month and I feel very privileged to be a part of them.

Habib Public Boys School is one of the oldest schools of Karachi and this was the first tme I went there. I was very impressed by seeing how spaci0us and clean the school was. The school was totally wheelchair friendly and there were only a couple of steps in the way as to where I was giving my lecture.

I was speaking on the topic of "How I had Overcome Obstacles Faced in Life". There were around 30 boys listening to me. I found the boys listening with interest and very attentive. That made me more motivated and interactive with the students.

During the question and answer session there were a number of very interesting questions asked by the students which further cemented their interest in the talk. I always enjoy giving talks, where the audience are very much interested and ask interesting questions.

The boys were moved by my lecture and it felt like my goal had been achieved. All the boys came to shake my hand and took a photograph with me in the end. It truly was a inspiring and rewarding experience for me.

1 comment:

Humera Maniya said...

MashaAllah (Y) good going asad :)