Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Diary on Swimming and Accessibility

Swimming has always been my passion and I just love it. Having shifted into a wheelchair did not stop me from swimming. On the contrary it made me even more determined and it increased my will power and stamina. The opportunity to move freely and have all the freedom I can get gives me a lot of satisfaction and comfort.

Overcoming my Biggest Challenge

Having been sitting in a wheelchair the whole day and shifting into a swimming mode is a refreshing change to say the least. It is true that the incident which happened, while I was swimming did have a telling effect on me and I was shaken up. I decided to take it as a challenge and not become apprehensive about it. By becoming scared and afraid would not solve the problem but would make matters worse. It did take me around a couple of months to overcome my fears but at the end of the day I was successful in overcoming it.

Swimming is also my biggest motivation in life and I get the motivation bys setting a number of laps I have to achieve. My biggest sense of victory would be when I see other normal people unable to swim and when I see myself swimming despite having a handicap. This joy is further made sweet, when I see people coming up to me and acknowledge my effort and determination while swimming. A good swim always propels me into a very happy mood.
When my doctors in England hear about my swimming and doing 20 laps on a regular basis, they are very impressed and they ask me to keep it up. Swimming has been the key to my condition being in a stable position. It helps me to strengthen my legs, make my arms more powerful and increase my stamina. I would say that swimming is the best exercise for any human being as you get to use all parts of your body. It has helped me tremendously in my quest to becoming fit and a strong willed person.

My swimming coach

My swimming coach has been with me for a number of years and has worked very hard with me. He is always standing there by the side when I do my laps and encourages me a lot. Meraj which is his knows me so well now that he can read my face now and can tell when I am in trouble. Meraj really deserves for making sure that I swim feeling relaxed and confident. These days when I go for swimming a lifeguard is also present and also is in the pool when I am swimming.

As Meraj has to take care of all the kids in the pool, the lifeguard takes care of me. I would say that having two people is much better and it also lessens the pressure on Meraj to an extent.Another change to the swimming pool which was due for some time has been the pool being covered now. It is really a refreshing change as before the scorching sun used to beat down on the pool with all its intensity.

The result was that it made swimming very uncomfortable in the summers and the water used to be boiling hot. The temperature of the water used to be higher than the temperature outside. We used to see people not come for swimming because of the heat and lot of complaints started from people to cover the pool. Ultimately the pool was covered last year and it has made a tremendous difference. The water has become cool as the sun does not beat down on it like it used to in the past.

Advantages of having helpers

Getting up in the morning and going to the washroom is not a simple task for me being physically challenged? I do have the benefit of having helpers who assist me in getting up going to the washroom and getting dressed. A helper also shaves for me and with the assistance of two people I go in my tub to take a bath. When I have finished taking a bath the same procedure is applied to get me out.

For getting dressed I again require the help of two people. I do have a lift near my room on which I can go down and I do require one person to be on the lift with me. Getting into the car requires help from my driver to make me sit in the car. It is not possible for me to drive the car because of my legs not being strong enough. I do wear a seat belt with the help of my driver.

Even at the office I do require help to come up the lift and in my office. Going to the washroom at the office is done with the help of two people. I do need help at the office for getting me water and for putting my ipod in my ears.

In fact I do have a helper at the office who sets up my computer and brings coffee and my lunch for me. He also does simple tasks such as helping me with the making of cheques and bills for me plus receiving various documents. I also take him with me to the swimming pool and he also helps me to get in and out of the pool along with another person. I also require help to take a shower after a swim.

So as you can see that the helpers, I have play a very pivotal role in my overcoming the challenge of doing routine things despite being in a wheelchair. I have been fortunate enough to have found very helpful and caring people where ever I go including restaurants, cinemas, shops and even going to schools, offices for giving a talk.

Places not being wheelchair friendly

As I have always stressed in my articles as to how accessible places in Karachi are for wheelchairs. Unfortunately not much although a lot of work is being done to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. In my opinion accessibility is the major hurdle and I can highlight the problems I face at certain places.

When I do go to give motivational talks at schools or colleges, there is always the issue of the building being wheelchair friendly or not. In the case of the building not being accessible to wheelchairs which is often, my chair has to be lifted by other helpers which is not at all a pleasant experience for me.

Swimming not a problem for me

I swim at Sindh Club and the pool there is also not wheelchair friendly. For me to get in the pool I require the help of 2 people and similarly for getting out the same process is required. Once in the pool I do not have any problems as there is a railing to hold onto at the end of both sides of the pool. So swimming is not a problem for me. There is a life guard with me in the pool as long as I swim. My coach also stands outside the pool keeping an eye on me. So swimming without having a problem is definitely a big advantage and a blessing for me.

Accessibiity the biggest hurdle for physically challenged people in Pakistan

Similarly I face the problem of accessibility when I go out to restaurants for a meal with friends. Although I do make sure that the restaurant I am going to is wheelchair friendly. Although we know that majority of the restaurants in Karachi are not wheelchair friendly, having a lot of stairs. So my chair has to be lifted by a couple of helpers at such places. I can say that with helpers available at all places curtails my problem of going to places which do not cater to physically challenged people.

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