Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My talk at Deaf Reach School to Beacon House Students

The afternoon of 23rd December saw me deliver my second lecture of the day to Beacon House students at Deaf Reach School. The school is owned and run by (FESF) Family Educational Services Foundation. My talk being a part of the Move seminar conducted by FESF.

I have been regularly visiting the Deaf Reach School and have given motivational talks before. On that day the room was overflowing with Beacon House students and there was plenty of noise. There must have been around 40 to 50 students in that room.

On seeing the number of students did not make me uneasy as I had become accustomed to giving talks to bigger audiences in the past. I was introduced by Mary Riek the President of FESF, who has known me for several years and we have worked together on many occasions. Mary has become a very close friend of mine.
On beginning my lecture I could see that all the noise had died down and there was pin drop silence in the room. All the students were attentive and had their eyes on me. My topic was the same as my first lecture which was "Overcoming Obstacles".
Making the talk more interactive provided the students in being more involved and interested in the lecture. Having two lectures in a day was taking it's toll, as I was feeling tired during the middle of my talk. Taking a break for 2 to 3 minutes and having a glass of water helped me overcome by tiredness.

My lecture was followed by very interesting question and answer session. The questions asked by the students confirmed their concentration and attention on the talk. Delivering talks to such students is always a pleasure and I feel like my goal has been achieved.

So 23rd of December 2009 had come to an end and I could say that both my lectures had been successful and my message had been delivered. It definitely was a significant day for me and it felt like I had achieved something.

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