Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My talk at Froebel Education Centre

23rd of December 2009 was a big day for me, as I had 2 lectures scheduled one in the morning and one in the afternoon. My talks were part of the Move seminar which was organised by Family Educational Services Foundation. I will talk about my lecture in the morning to Froebel education centre.

Froebel School is located in Defence Phase 8 and there are a number of schools located in that area. This was my first visit to the school and it had 2 seperate buildings for the junior and the senior branch. My lecture was at the senior branch and I was very impressed by the cleanliness of the school.

There were a few steps to the entrance in which I found no discomfort. I was recieved by the teacher of the students whom I was going to talk to. There was a group of 20 students from class 9 and 10 whom I was going to give my talk to. My topic was the same one I spoke in the Move seminar on 'Overcoming Obstacles'.

Before beginning my lecture I saw that a number of students came up to shake my hand which was a nice and friendly gesture. During my talk I found the students to be very interested and attentive in what I was saying which enabled me to be more interactive.

Their interest in my lecture was evident by their asking me a number of challenging questions. One boy for instance asked me 3 questions in a row which was very inspiring for me. I always enjoying giving a lecture to such a group of motivated students. They also took a group photograph with me in the end.

The principal of the school also met me at the end of my session. I felt really special as the principal told me that your coming in a wheelchair to give a lecture is truly inspirational for the students. The teacher of the students who was present during my talk told me that the students were really touched by my lecture. It was a memorable experience for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job Asad! Seems like you really made an impact on them. Well Done !!